I'm re-posting Marley Greiner's Blog post from Today's Daily Bastardette because she says it so well. http://www.dailybastardette.com/south-carolina-obc-bill-introduced-retains-infantile-restrictions/ South Carolina. OBC Bill Introduced: Retains infantile restrictions Posted on November 26, 2021 by dailybastardette@gmail.com On November 10, Rep. Robert “RJ” May pre-filed HB 4566 i n the House. The bill amends the state’s current law, passed in 2018 (which started out clean and went down dirty) that permits adoptees, age 18 and over whose adoptions are finalized after July 1, 2019, to obtain a non-certified copy of their OBC “and “evidence of adoption,” but only with the consent of the biological parent(s) That consent is authorized through the submission of a “Contact Preference Form or other notarized documents. In practical terms, the 2019 law can’t be utilized until 2037, except in cases of older child/fo...
Welcome! This space was formerly "Ibis and Hibiscus," started seven years ago. My writing journey has progressed, and a new memoir, 'I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls,' is in progress. I hope it will be in your hands in early 2022.